(Snuck a super-flattering selfie for you guys. The black thing on the left is a cushion that I rest my head on. The weird contraption stuck on my forehead is what they use to measure where my head/brain is located which is then translated to the computer screen in front of me. The large thing on the right is the actual magnet, where the pulses "shoot" through.)
I don't have much to say about this week except... it hurt.
I think it will just hurt from here on out.
Every Monday, I am given a questionnaire of sorts.
Every Monday, I rate myself on a scale of 1-4 in 20-30 ways.
My happiness.
My energy.
My health.
Every other week, my total score is 36-38.
Which is in the "Severely Depressed" range.
This week, however, my score was 18.
I was in shock. (no pun intended.)
I recounted about 20x to be sure.
I KNOW that's a win.
But this week as a whole, since I woke up Monday morning, has felt like one huge loss.
I feel like I've taken 5 steps backward.
Like my mind and body aren't syncing.
Here's hoping week four brings clarity and peace.
And maybe, just maybe, a little less pain.
(Only 6 more weeks to go...)
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