I have to be honest.
I haven't looked at these in a while.
Like, maybe not even once
since the last time I posted a recap...
3 months ago.
But, it's almost halfway to my birthday
and I determined to cross these all off of my list!
1. Lose 10 pounds.
2. Run a marathon. (December 2! Color Run!)
3. Read the Bible completely through.
7. Sew something completely from scratch. (I patched up my Toms, does that count?)
8. Take my vitamins and medicine, every single day!
9. Go camping for the first time.
11. Make a conscious effort to think positively. Always. (I think it's going fairly well, considering the recent hard times. God is in control and that is something to rejoice about!)
13. Beat Husband in a round of Black Ops.
14. Read 2 "just for fun" novels. (Make that 3 and counting! Wooo, Hunger Games!)
16. Go on a picnic.
17. One date-night a week with Husband. (Even if it's dollar menu at McDonalds, I love dates with my handsome man!)
18. Try a new recipe once a month.
19. Host a homemade pizza party.
21. Become a coupon queen! (Ok, maybe a coupon princess,) I don't have time to be queen. (I don't think Hardee's coupons will suffice...)
Just saw your list--The Color Run is awesome! I did one of the first ones in Tempe, AZ--probably the most fun I've ever had while getting some exercise in :) You are going to love it!