If you know me at all, you know I love taking pictures. And since having Emmerson, my obsession has grown even more. I refuse to apologize, though, like I see so many people do. Taking and posting pictures of Emmerson helps me collect all the memories (since I clearly have lacked blogging!) It also sparks my joy. I'm an advocate for joy sparking. You want to post 10 pictures a day of your dog? Do it. Wanna talk about hunting or sports every single status? Do it! Spark your joy, baby!
I digress.
Sometimes when taking pictures, I get a whole set that make my heart melt.
Today was full of the perfect ingredients to make these yummy pictures.
Cool, Tennessee Fall day.
Green, green grass (thanks to the amazing thunderstorms all weekend.)
Bright yellow blanket.
Big baby sun hat.
And of course the cutest little monster baby you ever did see.
I didn't know how much I loved tiny fingers holding on to big hats until I saw these pictures.
Oh, sweet baby love.