
Mini Messages

Dear Cold Weather,
Welcome back! Oh, how my scarfs and boots have missed you. I'm still trying to figure out how to get away with baggy sweaters and boots as teaching attire. Hmm...

Dear Husband,
You are the best. THE best. I know I am super aggravating, mega stubborn, and crazy insane...yet you still open the door for me, make sure I eat my gummy vitamins every day, and snuggle with me every night. How in this world did I ever get so lucky? 

Dear Christmas Decorations,
Last year I had you up before Halloween. This year I am trying to wait until after Thanksgiving. But you have no idea how tempting you are, just sitting in the box room, waiting to fill the house with warm Chrimma joy. Maybe I can make a deal with Husband. You know, meet in the middle. Say, November 1st?!

Dear Pinterest,
You've successfully made me obsessed with your endless amount of goodies. Now, let's work on some way of making every "pin" magically appear in my house. Thanks.

Dear Mama (nb),
Happy (early) Birthday to you! You are truly the greatest woman on earth. I've learned so much from you and continue to look to you as inspiration for all I do. I love you for always rubbing my back in the middle of night when I woke up sick. I love you for creating my weird, eclectic taste in music. I love you for being strong even when you didn't have to be. I know you did everything for Brother and me, and I cannot thank you enough. Thank you for showing me how to become a Proverbs 31 woman, wife, and one day mother. Happy Birthday! I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet post! Your blog helps me to hope for a wonderful future, and not be so fearful of cherishing my dreams. Thank you!

