
just BE

The past couple months have been pretty monumental in my little world. 

After some more testing, I finally feel like we’re on the right path to fighting back my depression and anxiety. 

One large step forward was changing my medication. 

While very much needed, this transition has wrecked me. 

It’s as though I’ve become captive inside my own body. 

As if someone else is pushing the buttons and controlling my triggers. 

Yet, I’m fully aware of the foreign intruder, so I’m trying my best to fight back. 

Only, with my strength alone, it’s exhausting and it’s pointless. 

But I’m reminded (again and again) that it’s not up to me and my strength alone. 

The Lord will fight for me, I need only to BE still. 

BE still and know that He is God. 

(Exodus 14:14, Psalm 46:10) 

I was brought to tears when I opened this gift from my sister. 

My reminder to BE, just BE, in the handwriting of my sweet little girl. 

Thankful that all I’m expected to do is BE still and that He will take care of my battles. 

Resting in that promise today.

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