
Crazy Love. Love Crazy

I started this book last summer. Life got in the way and it was pushed to the back of mind.

I started this book last semester. Life got in the way and it was pushed even further to the back of my mind.

But by the end of July, I WILL have finished it!

It's time for personal revival. I'm hoping that me blogging while I read it will hold me accountable.
If anyone wants to join me, let's do it!


  1. I have read that book 3x . .awesome . be ready to allow the H/S to change you from the inside out. I had a hard time at first when people would say they read this book and you did not hear or see anything different in their walk . .but, now, as time has passed and life has given me some new lessons, I can see why some people don't change -- they dont' want to. They are 'full' of Jesus. Oh I never want to be so full that I don't want more of HIM. I look forward to reading what you post . . as this book can change a life, it can change, a group of people and it can even change a church . .HIS church. Enjoy it.
